Knox County Democratic Party

Monthly meetings

The executive committee of the Knox County Democratic Party meets monthly on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are held at KCDP Headquarters, 9 East Vine Street in Mount Vernon and/or via Zoom.  An announcement regarding each monthly meeting, including location, is posted on the KCDP website at least three weeks ahead of the meeting’s scheduled date.

Monthly meetings are business meetings for the KCDP executive committee, but according to longstanding tradition, these meetings are open to all registered Democrats in Knox county. If you would like to attend a meeting as a guest, please email us at

The committee does not meet in the months of July and December.

While only members of the executive committee can take the floor and vote on business, we are always interested in meeting Democrats in the community. Stop by and meet your local Democrats.

Upcoming Knox County Democratic Party Executive Committee Meetings

June 25 2024, 7:00 pm: Knox County Democratic Party Executive Committee.